His lack of proficiency in Croatian indicates that they only spoke English at home and that he leaned heavily on his wife to do the speaking in public. Just like it was with the “translation” business! Years ago I lived for over a year in a country with a similar language to Croatian, and one does need to get out and “jump in” so to speak. It’s the only way to learn a new language outside of intensive studies.
As Lloyd cannot be easily instructed without him taking offence, language classes (if they were even attempted) wouldn’t have lasted long. Learning a language requires patience and one must adhere to constant correction not only in vocabulary and grammar, but in intonation and pronunciation. That alone would irritate him to the point of storming out.
As we all know from what the letters said, Jabba the Hutt was a pathetic creature at home, spending all day scrolling on exJW bullshit and chatting with his online English speaking “friends”. As he’s transitioned to life as a bachelor in Zagreb, I would venture that his Croatian has marginally improved, though he could be still residing in an expat English speaking bubble.
PS - His videos are hardly getting the views anymore. He‘s back to putting out regular “sushis” as a way to keep viewers engaged but it’s not working.